You may have heard talk of the benefits of intermittent fasting through alternative health sources across the internet during the last several years. It's been all the rage. Essentially, intermittent fasting is when you voluntarily eat less, or nothing at all, for a period of time.
Opinion: To think or not to think? Should you really think for yourself or should you trust the experts?
Thinking for yourself is often touted as a virtue, but how appropriate is it really? After all, in the grand scheme of things, there's a boundless universe of potential knowledge, and we ourselves each grasp but a thin sliver of all that's knowable. Theoretically, the more facts and data we have to assist us, the better our decision making can…
Hardly anybody is safe from the estrogenic effects of plastic
You might've heard about BPA in the news a few years back. It's a chemical frequently used in production of polycarbonate plastics, which make up nearly all the disposable water bottles, food can linings, and food wrappers we use daily.
How even your clothes may be harming you
You might've read about the adverse health effects of wearing synthetic fabrics and thought to yourself, “It's no problem-- I'll just wear cotton clothing!” Unfortunately, it's not as simple as that.