scours the web in search of vital scholarly information that can help you make educated health decisions. We distill lengthy, complex academic sources into a digestible, practical format that the average person can enjoy, while maintaining accuracy and the highest ethical standards.
We encourage independent thought and invite you to delve into our sources and research the topics discussed herein to arrive at your own rational, thought-out conclusions. Staying informed about the latest health news and research can be hard, but we’ll help guide you in the right direction.
These days, it can seem like everything is bad for your health. Alternative health news and blog sites have earned a reputation for being disreputable. That’s why I founded My mission is to restore credibility to alternative health websites by becoming a go-to source for reliable and practical health information. I want to help people live healthier, happier, and longer lives. Follow me on my journey of scientific discovery by subscribing to below and following us on Facebook, Youtube and other social media platforms. Best wishes, Michael Beshai